- Seeker Writers for Financial Literacy YouTube

Job Details

Seeker Writers for Financial Literacy YouTube Channel


Seeker Writers for Financial Literacy YouTube Channel

Fixed Rate: $25
• Emerging Level
Skills: Writers


Seeking writers to write for a soon-to-be launched YouTube channel centered around Financial Literacy and Philanthropy. We already have a slate of videos to post. Now we are seeking to expand our team.

Category Writers 
Location Remote Location
Time Period Unknown
Posted Date Apr 03, 2023
Start Date N/A
End Date N/A

Job Description

Compensation: Paid
Contact Information
Contact: EJ Williams

Writers will need to produce 1-2 scripts per week at lengths of 5 – 10 pages. You will be given topics to write about, however, you may also pitch new ideas if you have them.

We are seeking writers who can effectively write in a voice that is down-to-earth yet intellectually sound. Humor is encouraged, but not necessary. What is most important is that your content is relatable to people with low to no financial literacy.

Your target audience will be 21 – 45 year old multicultural, urban workers and entrepreneurs.

Currently, the rate is $25 per script until the channel is monetized. Once the channel is monetized, you will be offered a percentage of the monthly revenue.

To apply, please answer the following questions in your response.


1. Why do you want to write for this channel?
2. Name 2 – 3 YouTube channels you like that are similar to ours.
3. How do you handle criticism of your work?
4. On a scale of 1 – 10, how punctual would your last employer rate you.
5. Write a compelling intro and one reason for the following prompt: Why Should Solopreneurs Build A Team?

Thank you in advance. We look forward to hearing from you.

Job Type Contract 
Weekly Limit N/A
Shift Day
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